P for novice drivers - Beginners

Do you want to drive a vehicle with the pink sheet? Your students need to practice with your own car, following the directions of the law and the regulations of the code of the road?

One of the indicators of “attention” the most important and visible, for these specific situations, it is the flag bearing the letter P (upper case) black background white retro-reflective. This marking must be applied in a vertical position or subverticale in a way that is well visible and that does not impede visibility from the driving seat and from that of the instructor.

The rules for driving with the pink sheet are dictated mainly by the art.122 of the Code of the Road.

The size of the mark for motor vehicles according to the rules of the highway Code are indicated in the figures below (art. 334 the Regulation of the CDS):

For the vehicles of the Driving School, the marking must be made by a panel...bearing the writing SCHOOL GUIDE

Here are some of the articles and paragraphs of the CdS relating to the measures on the reporting of driving exercises.

Regulation No. 122

Regulation of execution and implementation of the new code of the road - the Decree of the President of the Republic of 16 December 1992, no. 495 (in Suppl. ord. the Gazz. Sales dept., 28 December 1992, no. 303), as amended.


2 - DRIVING SCHOOLS (ARTS. 122, 123 C. S.)

Art. 334. - Cash on delivery for practical guidance (art. 122 C. s.)

1. Motor vehicles for the tutorials and driving test conducted by aspiring drivers have to be fitted, the front and rear, a flag bearing the letter P of the alphabet, capital letter, color black on white retro-reflective. This marking must be applied in a vertical position or subverticale in a way that is well visible and that does not impede the visibility from the driving seat and the one occupied by the one who acts as the instructor. The size of the marker and those of the letter P are listed below, depending on the cases that occur in the figures IV.1, IV.2, IV.3.

2. For motor vehicles that are part of the car park of the driving schools or education centres, the marker must be made from a rectangular panel with rounded corners, bearing the writing SCHOOL GUIDE, in black color on white background, retro-reflective, applied anteriorly and posteriorly, in a vertical position or subverticale in such a way as to be clearly visible and not obstruct the visibility from the driving seat and the one occupied by the one who acts as the instructor. The size of the marker and those of the written are listed below, depending on the cases that occur in the figures IV.4, IV.5.


4. Motor vehicles for the tutorials and the exams of guide should be proper marking with the letter "P". This mark is replaced for the vehicles of the driving with the inscription "special driving school". The characteristics of these markings and the mode of application will be determined in the regulation.

7. Anyone driving without your permission to the tutorial, but having at his side, as a function of the instructor, the person with the driving licence, pursuant to paragraph 2, is subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum from euro 400 to euro 1,600. The same sanction will apply to the person acting as the instructor.

8. Anyone, authorized to exercise, help, without have side by side, in the function of the instructor, the person with a valid driver's license, pursuant to paragraph 2, is subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum from euro 400 to euro 1,600. The violation follows the sanction of the administrative detention of the vehicle for three months, according to the provisions of section II of chapter I of title VI. To the breach referred to in paragraph 5 is, therefore, the administrative sanction of the payment of a sum from euro 100 to euro 320.

9. Anyone who violates the provisions referred to in paragraph 4 is subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum from € 100 to € 320.